Through Word and Song,
Helping the Church Celebrate God's presence

With scripture telling videos, instrumental music tracks, music videos, singalong song mp3's, sheet music and prayers, Linnea Good's offerings are scripturally sound, liturgical, and geared for a multi-generational, multicultural community.
Sign on for a year of the Linnea Good Music & Worship Subscription
Linnea and David have committed to creating weekly videos to enhance your online worship services:
Biblical Storytelling of revised common lectionary scripture (telling by heart)
While, these videos are available on YouTube for all viewers, the download video comes to you
Creative scripture presentations (fx. a chanted "O Dry Bones" Ezekiel telling or child-oriented Psalm 23 with actions)
Also available on YouTube, but the download comes to you for repeated use and cleaner streaming
Lectionary-based Psalm responses
Comes via email, as do all the following:
Choral pieces, including music by friends
Hymns, Instrumental music and singing accompaniment mp3 recordings
1 full lectionary-based worship Planning Organizer
Christmas pageants
Educational pieces, such as "How to use a Psalm"
Make a request and we will try to honour it.
$50 Canadian (plus gst/hst in Canada) for a 12 month subscription.
Your annual subscription rate stays the same if you continuously renew.
Your subscription year begins with your first dated receipt of a document.
Subscription commences immediately upon receipt of the sign-up form. A regular e-mail will bring a PDF attachment of a music document to you. Every effort is made to give ample advance e-mailing for lectionary-based Sunday worship resources.
Your original score belongs to you. You have permission to use and copy the piece in your congregation or group during your subscription term free of charge. When and if you ever un-subscribed, royalties for copying the piece in the year in which you were no longer licensed would be due to Borealis Music.
You may have multiple groups with whom you personally are working and for whom this subscription is valid. But, you may not give the full score to someone for use outside of your own group(s) / congregation.
Subscribe to the Linnea Good Music & Worship Subscription for the next 12 months
Fill out our online REGISTRATION FORM
Pay by E-Transfer to: (our favourite - no password needed)
Pay by our secure Paypal service below
Pay by Credit Card through our secure PayPal system
Pay by cheque, payable to Borealis Music for $50.00 (plus GST/HST in Canada) to this address:
Borealis Music
14409 Cartwright Ave
Summerland, BC
US-INTL Orders

Canadian Orders